Investigating Dimensions of the Privatisation of Public Education in South Asia (2010-11)
1. An analysis of the existing trends in performance and financing of the education sector in South which would include measuring progress in access, quality and gender equity against the targets set under the MDG and EFA framework. This would help establish a case for alternate education provision and revenue generation mechanisms.
2. An assessment of the role, nature and spread of non-state actors within South Asia. A matrix would be developed to provide a succinct overview of the role of each of these actors in addition to the public sector along a continuum and impact on dimensions of social justice choice and resource efficiencies.
3. A case study of three countries; India, Pakistan and Bangladesh based on primary data collected in collaboration with local partners. The case study would focus on aspects of private sector involvement in education that have not been captured effectively in existing work on private sector engagement in comparative studies of public vs. private. It will focus on the emerging role of the corporate sector, local and international donors and FBOs drawing attention to the underlying dynamics operating at the household level that determine demand for education and power to expand choices for equity between private and state sponsored education. 14 of the curriculum at the primary stage is on the development of the basic skills of literacy and numeracy, study of the environment in terms of physical and social phenomena, participation in activities which develop productive skills, creative expression and habits of healthy living. In the initial years, the content and methodology are directed towards achieving communication and computational skills with a view to developing the basic tools of learning.
4. Further, drawing on from this analysis, the study will also look at the role of state providers versus non state providers and its impact on social justice in terms of exclusion/inclusion, equity along dimensions of gender, access, income etc and cohesion and inculcation of the principles of a democratic state.
5. The study will conclude by present suggestions and recommendations of how to enhance or improve the role of the private sector and its relationship with the public sector. It will also include an analysis of the economic, political and legal implications of a reform to engage the private sector in education
Research Team 1. Baela Jamil (Pakistan) 2. Kiran Javed (Pakistan) 3. K M Enamul Hoque (Campe-Bangladesh) 4. Munazza Aslam (Pakistan) 5. Baladevan Rangaraju (India Institute)