The PAL Network biennial conference was held from November 5 and 6, 2019 in Kathmandu, Nepal. About 160 people from over 25 countries participated in the conference themed “Ensuring all children learn: Lessons on equity and inclusion from the South”. The conference an active learning forum connecting researchers, practitioners, policymakers, and civil society actors explored known data gaps and under-researched equity and inclusion issues for invisible and vulnerable populations across the Global South. Idara-e-Taleem-o-Aagahi (ITA) and ASER Pakistan teams attended THE PAL Conference.
At the end of PAL Network Conference 2019, PAL Network came up with the ‘Kathmandu Declaration’. The declaration reaffirms our commitment to citizen-led household-based assessments as an inclusive mechanism to track the learning progress for all children.
The Kathmandu Declaration, a product of the two-day conference, articulates the commitment of the PAL Network and a growing community to these values.
Kathmandu Declaration: English | Kathmandu Declaration: French | Kathmandu Declaration: Spanish |